Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"Glass Ball and Gold Paper" Daily Painting
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Detailed study of iridescent glass Christmas ornament with crumpled gold tissue paper; realism with abstract qualities.
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Reflections on a Pear" Daily Painting
Original oil, 5"x5" unframed.
Some red and green for you!
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Pears in the store now are quite good. We've brought them home to enjoy, and today I realized there was only one left. I wanted to paint one before they all got eaten!
So I took a break from the commissions I'm finishing to paint this green pear on the scarlet background. The bright colors were very fun to work with and a nice departure from the charcoal portrait I'm finishing up for a client.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
DailyPainters.com book now available; I'm included!
Here is another gift idea for you fans of the Daily Painting phenomenon; the brand spankin' new book from DailyPainters.com.
For those who haven't yet discovered the site, DailyPainters is an online gallery that shows and sells new paintings every day by 146 artists who are daily painters. I've been a member since December, 2006.
The volume showcases all artist members of DailyPainters and features our best work. You can peruse the book, or buy a copy at the publisher's website.
It's a beautiful book!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Special on Christmas Art to celebrate Christmas
"In Humility"
reproduced from the original pastel.
Nativity scene reproduction pkgd 20x24"
Acid-free paper, fade-resistant inks
$50 plus SH.
©1992 Diana Moses Botkin
My teenager is counting down to Christmas. "Only 8 days left, Mom," he told me today. Indeed I know. I'm counting the days also, and what I have left to do. But I'm enjoying the season too.
So if you're like me and still need to do a little shopping, here's a special offer of my Christmas themed reproductions to celebrate the holidays. Buy 2, get shipping free. Contact me for an invoice or more details.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Some of my Daily Paintings at Sandpoint Shows
Tomorrow is the Opening for Lilliput, A Miniature Show, at the POAC Gallery in Sandpoint at the Sandpoint Powerhouse. If you're in the area, I hope you'll stop by between 5:30 and 7 pm. I plan to be in attendance and hope to see you!
Some of my very detailed miniatures are in the show. Two of the three appear in this photo, which was reproduced with my permission for the Lilliput Show announcement postcard, recently mailed.
I also plan to get to the Holiday Show Opening a few blocks away at Timber Stand Gallery. Timber Stand is across the street from the Pend d'Oreille Winery downtown on Cedar. Three of my small originals are in the show and there should be lots of other fun art there too!
Today someone asked me if I'm excited about the Openings tomorrow night. I've been quite distracted today with an article deadline for Art Calendar and other commitments, and didn't give him a very good answer. But now that I think about it, I am excited. I don't get out much, so it is always really good to attend art events, especially those where I see fellow artists and my loyal collectors. So yes, I am excited! And I should have that deadline out of the way by then, so I'll be in a celebratory mood.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Life Drawings
"Standing Male, Charcoal"
Original unframed charcoal drawing on white bond paper, 17"x11".
These sketches are my favorites from this week's session with the model. The same fellow posed for us. It looks like he's lost a few pounds. My Texan grandma would say "dropped off". She said to me once during a visit years ago, "Have you dropped off?" I asked her, "Dropped off of what? I'd never heard the expression before in reference to losing a few pounds.
As an artist I like to see bone structure and muscle definition, so lean muscular models are more interesting to me. But not all artists feel this way, especially about female models."Man Touching Ankles, Charcoal"
Original unframed charcoal drawing on tan Canson paper, 12"x16".
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"Clifty Christmas" Daily Painting on Christmas Ball
Oil on glass sphere, approx. 3".
Winter landscape of snowy trees, with Clifty Mountain.
This unusual painting is not my average piece. Every year our art group hand paints Christmas balls for a special gala auction that benefits our local hospital is in its 13th year.
Contact me if you want something similar.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Onion Shadows" Impressionistic Daily Painting
Original still life oil painting, 4"x6"
Red onion on reflective surface, in reds, maroons, deep purple and warm greys. $99.
I had fun painting this. In fact, this is the most fun I've had in several days! I've had my nose to the grindstone doing paperwork.
This afternoon I saw the humble red onion in my kitchen with interesting patterns on the reflective granite. So I brought my paints and brushes downstairs and forgot about chores for awhile as I enjoyed the challenge of painting this quick study from life.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
"Evening Color" Daily Painting
Original landscape/skyscape oil painting 4"x6"
Rosy and violet sunset clouds in turquoise and aqua sky, over blue mountains and green fields.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
We've been having days and days of grey rainy weather here in north Idaho. Thankfully, there was a breakthrough of sunlight on Monday. I hope you'll enjoy these serotonin boosting colorful paintings I'm working on this week from Monday's colorful inspirations!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
"Summer Afternoon at the River" Daily Painting
Original landscape oil painting, 4"x6"
Trees and green fields, with distant mountains and river in foreground.
I enjoyed looking at my summer reference photo to work on this painting. Weather here has been turning cold and grey and there is lots of fresh snow at about 1,000 feet and higher. So I guess summer's gone...sigh. Working on this little piece was the closest I could get to going somewhere warm and sunny, at least for awhile.
This study utilized simplified color choices. I tried to use only 5 tones to represent this scene. It's good for me to think about breaking a study into fewer steps and colors.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Illegal Chinese Copies Hurt our Art and Livelihood
Many of you know I'm a member of DailyPainters.com and online group of ...guess what?!... daily painters! We work hard day after day to paint something original, eye-catching, fun, or perhaps even a masterpiece. We post our work at the site and on our blogs for online viewers to enjoy and (hopefully) purchase.
Then we find out that a Chinese art factory is ripping off lots of our images to offer at their website (without our permission!); painted copies of our originals. Brazen thievery of intellectual property. Many of my painting images they lifted were originally tiny paintings and were being offered at wall size "painted by artists with bachelor degrees". Yeah, right. I guess those bachelor degree programs didn't include any classes on the ethics of stealing other artists' work. But what am I thinking?! This is China we're talking about... famous.. or I guess I should say infamous... for cheap knock-offs of everything from "designer" luggage to "Rolex" watches.
The good news is that the Chinese site has now removed our images. Anytime you run across my work somewhere and suspect it is being used without my permission, please do contact me. I'll check it out and see if it's something for which I've given permission.
You can find bona fide reproductions of my work which I've authorized at my website repro page and at my giclee print gallery. And my originals are offered here at this blog, at my website, and my links page.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Winner Announced for the Book Giveaway!
Thank you to all who entered the drawing for a free copy of my new little book of daily paintings. Congratulations to Cecelia in Texas, whose name was chosen as the winner of a signed copy of "Gems From the Edge of the Earth".
And for those of you who are disappointed that you didn't win, you can preview the book (see sample pages) and buy if you'd like.
I really enjoy these giveaways because I get to hear from some of you out there in the blogosphere that I don't yet know! A number of the folks who visit here to see my daily paintings I've met personally, and others I've gotten to know through this blog. I value the camaraderie and feedback from all of you who comment and share your thoughts.
Still others of you out there are only names to me at this time... perhaps someday I'll be able to put a face with your name.
And here's my face in a photo snapped by my daughter at the Scotchman Peaks Paint Out Exhibit recently. I'm holding one of my little plein air paintings that had just sold, "Violet Evening". I'm usually not all that pleased with photos of myself and don't think of myself as photogenic, but this one is at least expressive. It says, "Well it was cold and miserable painting out there by the lake but this makes it all worthwhile!"
Monday, October 27, 2008
Book available of my small regional daily paintings
You can now get copies of Gems from the Edge of the Earth from the publisher. This 40 page small format book shows over 90 of my small and tiny daily paintings in full color. I hope you'll enjoy taking a look!
You can preview the book and order here.
To celebrate having this book finished and published, I'm going to announce a little giveaway drawing sometime this week! So, please check back here in the next few days. On the day I announce the giveaway, you'll have an opportunity to win a signed copy of the book. I'll give you details on the giveaway day.
Here are a few of my favorite daily paintings that appear in the book.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Book coming soon: small regional landscape paintings
I just finished uploading the file to the publisher for my book Gems from the Edge of the Earth. This book shows many of my petite paintings of north Idaho. After I proof a printed copy and make sure it looks good, I'll offer it online.
You'll be able to get it soon at the introductory price. Stay tuned for a link if you'd like to own one. (Maybe I'll even do a giveaway of a signed copy!)
And if you want to put together your own book and use one of the print-on-demand online publishing companies, it's not too difficult. I just wrote an article about doing just that. The piece appears in the current issue of Art Calendar Magazine, now available at newstands.
I'll be taking a little more time off from Daily Painting to finish up some portrait orders, but will be back soon posting to this blog with my latest little 'uns. Contact me if you'd like info yourself about a commission of that special someone or unique place.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Monday, October 6, 2008
"Plum Study" Still Life Daily Painting
Original unframed pastel on grey Canson paper, approx. 5"x9"
Loose Impressionistic sketch of purple plums on a pale green background.
This is a live demo I did recently to show my students how to block in shapes and shadows.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Thursday, September 25, 2008
"Plum Fun" Still Life Daily Painting
Original still life oil painting, 5"x5"
Fresh purple plums against an orange background, painted from life
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Yes, this was plum fun to paint! Enjoy the serotonin boost. I sure did.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Plum Still Life Daily Painting and Art Instruction
Original still life oil painting, 5"x7" unframed
Fresh plums on a dark blue plate, painted from life
We've not had the abundant fruit harvest this year as we did last year. I figured I'd better get outside today and pick whatever plums are left before the bears totally break the branches to get fruit (which they did to several last year). Dodging the piles of bear and deer droppings, I risked life and limb on the fruit ladder to harvest what I could reach.
I liked the way several had broken off with a short piece of the branch and thought they'd make an interesting still life. Here's a demo of the way I approached this loosely painted study which I painted live in low directional light.First, I blocked in the shapes on a grey-tinted panel with dark oil paint (a mixture here of ultramarine blue and burnt umber).
I didn't bother to sketch this out because the composition and shapes were pretty simple and I knew where I wanted to go with it. (For a more complicated arrangement, I might draw things out first to decide what goes where. A sketch is especially handy in landscape painting en plein air, because there is frequently so much visual information it's good to decide in advance what shapes will be dominant and what might be good to leave out.)
Next I laid in greens for leaves (mixes of thalo green, cad green pale, yellow ochre and white) and then began painting in those fun pinks and reds (mixes of perm. aliz, white and thio violet).The sticks were sketched in (burnt umber and white mixes, also yellow ochre). More color (a little cad red scarlet and more aliz) was added to the plums and that purplish haze that makes plums look like plums was painted in by dragging some violet paint (mixes of thio violet, thalo blue and white) onto the surface.
I then painted in more blues on the background (mostly ultramarine with a touch of burnt umber and white, and a little thalo blue in the brighter spots) and the dark shadows (ultramarine, thalo green and aliz). On the plums I brushed in some warm glowing orange (cad scarlet and white) and then a very small highlight glow (white and cad yellow med).
I suggested the reflections under the plums and then added finishing touches to the sticks, plum stems and leaf stems. (See finished painting above.) Even though it's pretty loose, I decided this is enough to portray these blushing beauties.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Thursday, September 18, 2008
"Solitude" Figurative/Landscape Daily Painting
Original oil painting, figure in landscape, 5"x7"
Beach scene of young woman on colorful towel on the sand, in bright midday sunlight
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
This larger figure in the 5x7" format was a little easier than painting the girl so small as in the previous work. Simplifying the sand and cropping in close put the focus on her rather than all her surroundings. You can tell she's at the beach but it's more background than subject. She's the main focus instead of the setting.
So... what do suppose she's thinking?
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sold Daily Paintings
"Ambition" Oil, 5"x7"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Shadows in the Park" Oil, 5"x7"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Boy's Best Friend" Oil, 7"x5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Longhorns Fan" Oil, 7"x5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Twins" Oil, 5"x3.5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Touching the Sky" Oil, 8"x6"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Cool Reflections" Oil, 4"x6"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Outdoor Hearts" Oil, 5.5"x10"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Summer Evening" Oil, 4"x6"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Cuddling Persimmons" Oil, 4"x6"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Persimmon" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Orange and Purple" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"A Sky Like Opals" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Mini Cloud Study" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Color After the Rains" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Lone Persimmon" Oil 3.5"x 5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Flocked Trees" Miniature Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Lombardy Poplars" Oil 5"x 3.5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Daily Painting with my Little Paint Box
This is me working on the onion painting at the Art Faire, using my small cigar box pochade. It's small enough to fit in my briefcase along with a camera, sketch book and a few other essentials.
For the box, I've narrowed it down to 8 or 9 tiny tubes of paint, a small bottle of thinner and a sample size of Galkyd medium. There is also just enough room for some short handled brushes and a palette knife. Oh, and I use a disposable painting palette pad I cut to fit the box.
At the end of my painting session, I fold the top sheet with the paint, stick it in a plastic bag and deal with it at home later. Sometimes I'll add my dirty brushes to the baggie, as well. If there is leftover paint, I transfer it to my palette at home. Waste not, want not.
I do have bigger painting boxes I take sometimes when I go out for demos, on trips, or to paint out. But I love the simplicity, light weight, and compactness of this one and use it often.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Saturday, August 23, 2008
"Red Onion in Bowl" Still Life Daily Painting
Original oil painting on panel, 5"x7"
Red onion in white bowl on red background, painted from life
I painted most of this yesterday for a live demo at our Art Faire at Naples Gallery. Today I looked at the painting and noticed the elipse of the bowl wasn't quite right so I worked on it a little more and also added a few other touches. Those pesky elipses are awfully hard to get just so!
The lighting where I was showing my little paintings on the covered porch at the gallery was interesting. I had a reflector and bulb hung over my work space which lent a warm glow and made those nice yellow tones on the bottom of the bowl. The bluer outdoor light reflected off part of the onion and bowl, as well, making for some lively contrasts.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sold Daily Paintings
"Red, White, and Blue" Mini Oil ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Afternoon Trees" Oil 5"x7" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Study of Katherine" Oil 10"x8" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Three Apricots" Oil 4"x6" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Girls in Clover" Oil 7"x5" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Sunbathers" Oil 5"x7" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Scarlet Ribbons Oil 6"x8" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Ambition" Oil 5"x7" ©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"Foggy Night" Landscape/Nocturnal Painting
Original Pastel painting, 7"x10"
©1998 Diana Moses Botkin
Night scene in blues, greens, greys and warm lights
If you're wondering what's up with my infrequent posts lately, let me explain. Two weeks ago I traveled to McCall, Idaho, a long drive which I did in two days stints.
Four days of driving for a two day stay.. I must be crazy. The travel to McCall was for a gala art event at a botanical garden in McCall at Charlie's Garden. It was my first time at the show and although I had no idea what to expect for sales, I sold paintings. It was a lovely show with excellent attendance from locals and tourists in the area. Wine tasting and live music, the beautiful outdoor setting and lovely work exhibited by artists from all over the region contributed to the success of this show. I met some wonderful new people and supporters of my work and got to see artist friends too.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
"Before the Wedding" Portrait Daily Painting
Original oil painting 9.5"x10"
Young woman in formal green dress with pink roses, highlighted by the glowing light of the nearby window.
Of course this took longer than a day to paint, but it is today's painting! I very much enjoyed the challenges of this portrait.
This beauty is the matron of honor. She waits on the stairs just ahead of her sister who is the beautiful bride, soon to walk down the aisle. The little white box holds the ring for the groom.
Please contact me if you'd like to commission a painting of someone special.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
"Trees at the River" Landscape Daily Painting
Oil, 4"x6" in Gold museum style frame
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Artists often lead solitary lives, even in the midst of family life, due to the nature of their work. Take this past weekend for example when we had a crowd gathered here for the Fourth of July, .
Saturday a bunch of us drove to a nearby boat dock to swim in the freezing river. I had brought along my little cigar box pochade so I could paint.
While I sat in the strong wind and the bright sun and worked to capture the light and wind on the water and trees, I could hear the kids having fun at a distance from me. They are all old enough to look after each other now and I don't need to be lifeguard. Come to think of it, being a lifeguard is a lonely job too.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
I'm Celebrating
"Iced Tea with Cherry" Still Life
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Oil, 3"x3" Framed
Hope you're staying cool, and that you have a safe and fun 4th of July remembrance!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Daily Paintings and Doin's
June wore me out. I hung or delivered work for 5 shows during this past month in our region. For months I was getting ready for my annual solo show at Naples Gallery. Nearly 100 new works were finished up, varnished, framed and hung for that show the first Friday of June. In addition to that one, I hung a small solo show at Monarch Mountain in Sandpoint and also at Ivano's for ArtWalk in Sandpoint. Plus I took pieces to the POAC Faces show in Sandpoint and the PaintOut show at Timber Stand. And I participated in the Plein Air PaintOut. And wrote an article.
After all that I needed a rest (at least mentally). I've been using the down time from painting to catch up on the yard and garden a little. Now I'm back in the swing for painting, I think. And I'm trying a few new ideas for loosening up for the dailies.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Daily Painting and Sandpoint Plein Air Paint Out
After the Paint Out last week I am going through withdrawal and missing the camaraderie. It was good to see all the artists again, and suffer together in the wind and sun while we painted. Although the Sandpoint Paint Out was a small event this year, we had a productive 3 days.
Friday afternoon we each took plein air pieces framed to Timber Stand Gallery for the Paint Out Opening in the evening, coinciding with ArtWalk. Lots of people were there at the gallery and the other ArtWalk locations around town. The Hallans' Gallery Opening was packed; everyone wanted to see Viggo Mortensen's huge mural photos.
After Friday night's fun, it was back to work here on the farm. I finished up my article for Art Calendar yesterday (a piece on packing and shipping art) and got photos to the editor this morning. My article in the current issue is "12 Ways Artists Can 'Go Greener'". I've heard from a number of readers that they really like the piece. It's nice to know.
My daughter snapped the photo above of me on Friday when I was painting in downtown Sandpoint. We actually had hot weather that afternoon. (Well, hot for north Idaho... certainly nothing like down south.) When I sat down to paint I was mostly in the shade, except for my feet. Although I had slathered on the sunscreen, my poor little piggies got red and swollen.
They're fine now, though, and actually look a bit tan. My husband says that a sign of a life lived with the proper priorities is tanned feet.
Although I am not usually inspired to paint buildings, I decided to capture this one with the reflective windows.
"Downtown Windows"
Cityscape/LandscapeOil, 7"x5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Friday, June 20, 2008
"At the Lake" Landscape Daily Painting
Original small oil painting 6"x4"
Tree against blue mountains and water in blues, greens and greys.©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
in decorative silver frame $125.
Summer plein air study
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
"Trees by the Lake" Plein Air Daily Painting
Original small oil painting 5"x7"
Green trees and fields with lake, mountains and sky in greys and blues.©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
in silver frame $155.
This sure is a busy month for me. Besides my two shows I've hung already, I put up another one today, for Sandpoint's ArtWalk which opens this Friday. And I took 3 pieces to the Faces show which also opens this Friday in Sandpoint.
Our Sandpoint Plein Air PaintOut started today also. This is the better of the two little studies I did this afternoon. It was wonderful to work by the lake on this beautiful day the Lord made.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
My Annual Showing of Paintings at Naples Gallery
My Opening went well last night. (Openings can be a little like weddings; there is much preparation beforehand and then usually something goes wrong that we laugh about later.) We all had lots of fun, plus a good turnout and sales.
I did a giveaway for a little gem which was especially fun for the winner. Congratulations to Mary, one of my faithful local collectors who was at the Opening last night!
Here is a snapshot of Suzanne, Naples Gallery owner, and me. Can you see Suzanne's terrific pirate belt? It's made from gun shells, which is perfect for north Idaho.
I hung almost 100 new paintings for this show, which will last a month at Naples Gallery. Doing paperwork for that many Bills of Sale took many hours this week! I give these to purchasers (and I keep a copy) as it has their name and contact info for my records, along with care and copyright information for the buyer.It took a good portion of the day yesterday to hang that many paintings. In the morning I laid all the boxes of art and paperwork by my door, my camera, plus nice clothes for the Opening. The boys helped me load up everything in the car (I thought!).
I then drove the 40 some-odd miles to the gallery. Man I must've had a lot on my mind, because I drove right past the gallery and had to turn around.
The day went so fast, working to get everything hung up. Before I knew it, it was time for me to change out of my grubbies into something nicer. Then I realized I had forgotten to load my nice clothes!Suzanne found me a simple black dress in her closet and a scarf for a sash. Boots and hoop earrings I had in my bag with my camera, so I wasn't totally a motherless child.
Dear Suzanne always puts on a wonderful array of food and drink. I think she outdid herself this time. Jim, her husband, had gathered maps to lay out on the food table along with pineapples, coconuts and "treasure gold" in a chest to go with our pirate theme. There were lots of Spanish dishes and beverages for all to enjoy.Here are a handful of pictures of the event. (I wish I'd thought to ask someone to take more photos, as I was busy talking to visitors most of the evening about my work.) Thank you to everyone who participated in the fun!
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Sold Daily Paintings
"Afternoon Trees" 5"x7" Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"By the Lake" Mini Oil
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Couple at the Museum" Oil 7"x5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Blue Flag" Oil 3"x3"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Spring Play" Oil 5"x7"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Studebaker Self-Portrait" Oil 5"x5"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Red and Blue Hat" Oil 3"x3"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Violet, Green and Turquoise" Mini Oi
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Yellow Iris" Oil Mini
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Iris Glow" Oil Mini
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Pink Tulip" Oil 3"x 3"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
"Spring Colors with Hay" Oil 4"x6"
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Saturday, May 24, 2008
My Annual Showing of Paintings at Naples Gallery
In my last email newsletter, I mentioned I'd be announcing an intriguing theme soon for my upcoming annual show in north Idaho. Here's the fun idea I promised! ...Do I hear a drum roll?....
I may wear a pirate outfit or at least some big earrings and eyeliner, ala Johnny Depp! How about you?
Blimey! -- Exclamation of surprise. "Blimey! Look at all that art!"
Booty -- Loot, gold. Useful for buying art.
Chest -- Treasure container. We'll have a chest full of art for you!
Deadlights -- Eyes. "Use yer deadlights, Matey! That's art!"
Grog -- Generically, any alcoholic drink. Specifically, rum with water.
Grub -- Food. We'll have some!
Handsomely -- Quickly. "Handsomely now, Suzanne, wrap that up for me!"
Jollyboat -- A small but happy craft.
Me hearties -- Typical address for a pirate leader.
Matey -- Cheerful, if not friendly, address.
Rum -- Traditional pirate drink.
Shipshape -- Well-organized, under control, finished.
Shiver me timbers! -- An expression of surprise or strong emotion.
Smartly -- Quickly. "Smartly there, men!" = "Hurry up with the grog!"
Splice the mainbrace -- To have a drink. Or, perhaps, several drinks.
Swag -- Loot. (see Booty)
Yo-ho-ho -- Useful pirate lingo, whether it actually means anything or not.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin