Here it is, the middle of October already and time to unveil our paintings for this month. Suzanne Berry, our newest member, chose "water" as the subject for our Challenge.
With so many possibilities, I debated with myself during the past few weeks trying to decide on a final plan.As with most of these group challenges, the painting finally came together at the last minute. For some perverse reason I seem to work best under pressure.
So, here is my piece for our October Challenge, at left. As you can see, the Legos didn't want to be left out. They're funny that way.
"Fish Tale"
Original oil on hardboard
©2009 Diana Moses Botkin
As you can see from the rest of the paintings, my Challenge Group members had some related ideas, although each was uniquely creative.The subject of water conjured up all sorts of images for me; everything from Niagara Falls to a glass of water.
That's part of the fun with doing this as a group; even when we're all painting the same subject, it's a surprise to see exactly how we all interpret it.
"Sprinkler Park"
Oil on linen
©2009 Robin Cheers

Oil on board
©2009 Michael Naples
"Cool, Cool, Water"
Oil on panel,
©2009 Vicki Ross

"Water Bottle"
Oil on canvas
©2009 Suzanne Berry

"Ocean Waves"
Oil on canvas
©2009 Marie Fox
Diana, I love the colors in this painting, all gray-blues with the fish the only orange color. Great way to tell the story. A very imaginative scene. Nice work! Marie
I thought this simple subject was hard, simply because there were so many choices for painting water.
Thinking through my painting plan, adjusting for set-ups, what worked and didn't work for visual puns, and then doing the work was no small task. It felt like a major accomplishment to get this little 'un completed in time for our deadline!
Thanks for the kudos and for your participation, Marie. I'm so glad we're in this together!
excellent work by all the artists and wonderfully creative too. r.
Thanks for dropping by Rahina.
Diana and her 'lil ones! I LOVE this...of course, all your little friend paintings are so well thought-out.
Thanks Vicki! Yes the little guys are very insistent; they intrude on my thoughts for weeks until I finally include them.
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