“Grand Afternoon"
Original unframed oil, 6"x8"
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin
This is one of the lovely inspirations from my recent trip. The Tetons are such a powerful and amazing place.
first real plein air experience was there almost a decade ago when I
took a workshop from Jim Wilcox. Although I had already begun to paint
on location outdoors after I moved to Idaho, I hadn't worked far from
the conveniences of my studio. The Wilcox workshop took me completely
out of my comfort zone. I
learned that painting en plein air meant alternately freezing or
roasting, especially in a place like Jackson Hole where it can snow in
the middle of summer, or heat up on a spring afternoon with burning
sun. Painting out also usually meant no running water and no nearby
coffee stands or toilets.
And I saw pretty quickly that carrying a lot of supplies very far, camera and lenses (plus lots of film!), along with food and drink, would tire me out more than the work of painting, which was plenty challenging just by itself.
Everywhere I looked was potential material and I had to learn to choose a scene, compose and edit. I'm still learning these facets of painting.
(above) "Teton Highlights" Oil 9"x12"
©2003 Diana Moses Botkin
Here is one of two decent paintings from that time painting in the park in 2003. This had started out as a 16"x12" painting which was unrealistically ambitious for a plein air piece. I managed to get the top part of the piece painted on location, so turned it into a smaller painting with some later touch-ups. The view is pretty much straight on, compared with the newer piece above showing the viewpoint more to the south (and a month later in the year, so with less snow).
I do see progress from those earlier plein air pieces, but I want a whole lot more!
Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Teton Muse
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
"Deep Calls to Deep" at Meadowlark Gallery
Original oil painting 20"x16"
©2009 Diana Moses Botkin
Young man in misty waterfall, with rainbow above, and reflections below: this painting will offer refreshment on hot days!
It is now available at Meadowlark Gallery in Billings, Montana.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
ArtWalk in Sandpoint
I've been doing lots of varnishing and framing for upcoming shows.
Yesterday I hung 28 pieces for Sandpoint's ArtWalk. I'm showing at Monarch Mountain Coffee. At left is a portion of the portrait and still life paintings I hung.
If you're in the area, please join me tomorrow for the Opening. Strolling around Sandpoint for ArtWalk is a lot of fun, as artists and art lovers turn out in droves for the opening receptions.
Pend Oreille Arts Council’s 35th Annual ArtWalk June 22 - September 7, 2012
Artist's Reception Friday, June 22 from 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Showing Still Life Paintings at Monarch Mountain Coffee
208 N. Fourth Avenue (by the Post Office) in Sandpoint, Idaho
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Happy Father's Day to All Dads!
Original oil painting 10"x8"
Detailed portrait/figurative piece of father and baby boy in blues, greens and warm skin tones.
©2007 Diana Moses Botkin
It's nice to be home after a hard day at the job for Dad. Cares of the work day melt away in the warmth of home and hearth. The child is happy to connect with his daddy and grabs onto the big guy's shirt like he's never going to let go.
This piece is one of my favorite paintings of father and son. I thought you might enjoy it for Father's Day. There are reproductions of this image (and others) at my LifeImages gallery. You may also contact me for similar commissions.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Moses Botkin June Challenge: Chiaroscuro
(left)"Theological Studies"
Original oil 5"x7"
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin
I've been traveling with family for a couple of weeks but managed to do this painting before I left.
I hope to get some new pieces done right away based on some of the beautiful spots I visited. Please stay tuned here at my blog in the coming weeks to see them.Challenge group member Mark Adams picked our puzzler this month and named "Chiaroscuro" for us to paint. The study above is my response.
I love chiaroscuro effects and many of my favorite paintings are based on this lighting technique.What fun interpretations of the theme everyone did this month! They are all so lovely and I hope you enjoy them.
(at left) "In the Pit" 7"x10" Oil on panel
©2012 Mark Adams
"Basque Dancer"
7"x9" Oil
©2012 Mary Maxam
"Josh & Jessie"
10"x16" Oil on Linen
©2012 V.N.Ross