Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November Challenge: Do a Thirty-Minute Painting

Challenge Group member Robin Cheers came up with this little doozy for us and instructed us to: "Set a timer for 30 MINUTES. And start painting!! When the timer dings, chirps, rings, beeps, whatever, you are DONE. Stand back and see what you accomplished! The idea is of course, to get in as much as you can - to mass in, to respond quickly to what you see and not analyze. You can work big or small."

My first attempt, a small rough portrait sketch, was hardly worth showing after 30 minutes, so I tried again. Thirty minutes is not long to get much blocked in. I considered doing a quick little sky study. I've painted some simple landscapes for Quick-Draw events in an hour. I thought maybe I could get the basics painted in half that time, with absolutely no detail.

I also considered that I had tried some oil sketches at our figure drawing salon. They were pretty rough, even from our longest poses of 20 minutes.
So I thought I'd try a quick figure study in oil. Thirty minutes is just enough time to block in the form's shadows and shapes, then add a few highlights.

"Glance Back"
Oil on canvas
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin

Thanks for the push, Robin. I liked this Challenge even though I really dreaded it. Maybe I'll try some more.

We have a new member to to the group who is trying out the Challenge with us this month, Sharman Owings. Her painting is below, with the rest of the Challenge Group. Welcome Sharman!

(left above) "The Weeper" 5x7" Oil on canvas ©2010 Suzanne Berry
(right above) "The Critique" 9x12" Oil on linen ©2010
Robin Cheers

(left below) "Last Light" 6x5" Oil on board ©2010
Aaron Johnson
(middle below) "Red Flag" 10x8" Oil on hardboard ©2010
Sharman Owings
(right below) "Thea's Rock" 13x13" Pastel on clear primed linen ©2010
Vicki Ross


Karla said...

If this is your quick figure 30 minutes painting it is amazing!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Yes, it was a 30 minute quick study, Karla. Thanks for the kudos.

It is pretty much what you'd see with the beginning of a painting, although I did try to work extra fast. This was so good for me, as I usually try to be more careful than fast.

I should work at this more: it would be good to be able to do both.

VickiRossArt said...

grrr. this one was tough. I have to make myself be careful and deliberate as a matter of course...but I'd LOVE to be able to pull off recognizable quickies from time to time!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

So would I, Vicki. I think it would start to feel a lot more natural to do these quick studies with more practice.