Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stocking Stuffers: Original Minis, Gift Certificates

Are you so busy this time of year that you forget to cook dinner for your family? (Am I telling on myself here?) Do you get confused about who wants what for Christmas when you go shopping? (Me, again.) What about all those parties you want to attend? (I like to bring something special for my friend the hostess.)

Fret no more. Original art is a gift sure to be remembered and cherished. You can pick something you like from my Miniature section or other sections at that gallery page and I'll get it in the mail pronto.

Wishing you all a blessed Christmas season!


pattrsnd said...

What wonderful miniatures Diana!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks, David. The gold frames work well with these, don't you think?

http://www.onpainting.wordpress.com said...

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Diana. Wishing you a 2010 filled with joy and continued great paintings.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

It's so nice of you to drop by, Bill. Thank you for the kind wishes!

Gary Keimig said...

Wonderful miniatures. Hope you have a great 2010 and I look forward to your new paintings.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks so much for your kind words of encouragement, Gary! I really appreciate you dropping by. I'll get back to painting the dailies soon. It's been a whirlwind at home with family for a couple of weeks during Christmas break; great to see everyone but I've mostly been in the kitchen and not in the studio at all for a couple of weeks. I hope I can remember how to paint!