Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Charcoal Figure Sketches

(left) "Backside"
Charcoal and chalk on grey paper, 18"x12"
©2013 Diana Moses Botkin

I did these life drawings in May at our (somewhat) local figure drawing Open Studio. We hire a model on a weekly basis and each group member chips in for the cost.

We had not been meeting for awhile, due to not enough people signing up for the group.

If you are an artist, you know that it doesn't take long to get out of practice. I felt pretty rusty. I had a lot of wipe outs but here are a few decent ones.

I ran across this quote from artist William. F. Reese not long ago and it sums up the difficulty of staying in shape for painting and drawing, "Don't forget you have to work every day to get better, every other day just to keep from getting worse." 

(left) "Attentive"
Charcoal/chalk on Canson paper, 16"x12"
©2013 Diana Moses Botkin 

(left) "Watchful"
Charcoal/chalk on charcoal paper, 12"x18"
©2013 Diana Moses Botkin 

This wiry fellow was a very good model even though he had never posed before. His extremely low percentage of body fat made it a cinch to see bone structure and muscles. I hope he is able to pose for us again when we resume group meetings.

Charcoal/chalk on grey paper, 18"x12"
©2013 Diana Moses Botkin 


pattrsnd said...

Love "Attentive," Diana! Wonderful portrait!

VickiRossArt said...

Love the quote from William f. Reese! Thanks, Diana

Diana Moses Botkin said...

David, thank you. I'm glad some of the drawings turned out.

Vicki, thanks for dropping by.

Diane Hoeptner said...

LOL, good quote and so true!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks, Diane!