Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cat Portrait Commission Finished

"J.J." Original oil, 7"x5"
Commissioned cat portrait
©2011 Diana Moses Botkin

It's been an odd last few months for any semblance of daily painting. I've had a number of projects going at once, a few false starts on some bigger pieces, and a couple of other paintings that simply weren't working which I've set aside for now.

This little cat painting is one of those aforementioned projects that I've finished. The commissioned portrait was challenging and interesting, too. At first I was really concerned that this handsome fellow blended in with the background too much from the photos sent to me by my client. Even though I simplified and neutralized the landscape, the cat was quite camouflaged.

Then my son made the comment, "But isn't that the point?". So he does look like he's designed to blend in with his surroundings, like many animals naturally do. My purchaser is pleased with the painting which makes me very happy. I'm glad to be able to provide this lasting tribute to a beloved pet for her to enjoy and remember J.J.


maddyrose said...

Beautifully done. The colors are muted,soft and perfect and in no way is this lovely cat lost in the background.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

I'm glad he shows up even with his camouflage stripey coat. Thanks so much for dropping by.

Ruth Andre said...

Diana, You have done exceptionally well with the cat portrait. I feel as if I could give him a good scratch behind the ears. Lovely!

Janet & Jack said...

This painting of the cat is beautiful! Once again, Diana, you amaze me at how talented you are!

hmuxo said...

So beautifully painted, Diana! Very realistic!!!