Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Red Slip" figurative painting

Trying to get enough painted in 30 minutes is a good challenge for me, and makes me work faster, I think.

I'm really quite terrible at keeping track of time. Hours can go by while I'm painting and I think it's been about 15 minutes. So having that timer tick away and the bell go off at 30 minutes is helpful.

Painting or drawing from a model in timed poses keeps me working fast, and so does painting en plein air, esp. in late light that changes quickly. But I guess when I have a photo in front of me, I don't care as much about time.

This study was from setting the timer a couple of times... or maybe it was 3 times. I think it might have been 3, because I took shots of my progress after the timer went off and I have 3 pictures. The middle one doesn't look a lot different than the last one, so I didn't bother to include it.

I'm debating whether I should work on this some more. On one hand I like the loose sketchy look. On the other hand, I'd like to see the wrinkles in that silk fabric developed more, and there needs to be a little more detail in the hands.

So, I'll probably get back to this and set the timer some more. It's a good start.


work in progress

"Red Slip"
Original oil on board
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin


Karla said...

I think they are both beautiful!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks, Karla. I hoping to make this even more beautiful with a little selective detail.

hmuxo said...

You do beautiful work Diana. I'm amazed at your 30 minute challenges..you are very talented.

Mary Anne Cary said...

I think they both look great, and love your thirty minute timer challenge idea. I am going to have to try it one of these days!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thanks, Hilda and Mary Anne. 30 minutes is not much, but I hope to get a little better at using that limited time to the best advantage.

I'm still working on my skills.

r garriott said...

I was reading about your latest challenge at Suzanne's and marveling at the accomplishment! As someone who spends the first 30 minutes mixing color, I'm stumped as to how you pull off this beautiful work. It's intriguing, though... I may have to try it.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

I would say you could have everything ready, including your colors mixed and then start the timer. After all, there is a lot more to painting than simply putting brush to canvas.

I didn't count my time squeezing out paint, or even preparing panels or choosing subject, pose, etc. That all came before I started the painting.

Paul Coventry-Brown said...

This is a lovely sensual painting :-) I have no idea how you can do so much in so little time .... I am a real plodder and would sell my would to be faster.;-)
By the way, my rejects go into a dark and dusty cupboard or are painted over and recycled.


Diana Moses Botkin said...

Paul, thank you for dropping by. I really enjoy the feedback we all can give and get by blogging, especially we who are in this struggle of art together!

I guess I'm a bit of a plodder too. If you've seen the follow-up post to this one, you know I chose to continue for hours working on this small piece refining the details in the woman's body and dress.

The only concession I was able to make for speed was to forgo the background detail. The contrast of the loose grey brushstrokes behind the figure with careful rendering of skin and fabric makes the painting more interesting, I think.