Although I have done this numerous times, I decided to paint an elongated vertical format painting for something a little different.
Near my house is this group of tall conifers. The Grand Fir on the right side of the painting is fascinating to me and I have painted it more than once. It's especially lovely with the late afternoon rosy light shining on it.
"Reaching for the Sky"
Oil on hardboard
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin

(above left) "Palo Verde Sunset" Oil 14"x18" ©2012 Becky Joy
(above right) "West of Healing Springs" Oil on Linen Panel, 11x14" ©2012 Vicki Ross
(below ) "Dogwood" Oil on Ampersand panel, 8" x 10" ©2012 Mark Adams
Oil on hardboard
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin

(above left) "Palo Verde Sunset" Oil 14"x18" ©2012 Becky Joy
(above right) "West of Healing Springs" Oil on Linen Panel, 11x14" ©2012 Vicki Ross
(below ) "Dogwood" Oil on Ampersand panel, 8" x 10" ©2012 Mark Adams

Lovely! I particularly love your sky...
The light in this piece is gorgeous! I love the break in the clouds, too. You really caught the majestic feeling of these trees. The tall format was brilliant.
Thank you, Susan and Mark. This was a fun scene to attempt.
I love "Reaching for the Sky"...its a beautiful piece. love the beautiful clouds...
Wow I like the light coming through the trees
an outstanding job diana! i wish had taken part in this challenge, i love the idea and everyone did such amazing work. i'll be back next month for sure. beautifully done.
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