Original Oil on hardboard, 4"x6"
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin
It was a lovely glowing sunset this evening... I had to give it a try.
A friend and her 3 small children were watching me do this little study. As I was squinting against the bright light in the western sky, I kept seeing blue dots in my vision. It was challenging to see what I was painting! My onlookers cheered me on with comments like, "you better hurry... it's changing!"
Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
"Summer Sundown" Plein Air Daily Painting
Monday, July 19, 2010
"Dancer at Rest" Medium Sized Original Oil
Oil on hardboard
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin
I just finished this piece for an upcoming exhibition.
It is based on the some smaller studies and a charcoal sketch.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Our July Painting Challenge: Yellow and Blue
Group member Vicki Ross chose the subject this month. Often these Challenge deadlines sneak up on me and this month was especially sneaky since I'd been out of town. I always have lots to do to catch up after being away, plus I have several art projects already in the works.
To participate or not participate; that is the question.
Actually, that is the question each month. I always have chores and projects...and I do the Challenge anyway. I'm always glad I did.So, what to paint that fullfills Vicki's idea of something yellow and something blue? I managed to find Aquilegia blooming in one of my gardens (the one that hasn't been weeded in a long time.
The little blue glass in my kitchen cabinet was just the right size for a vase for the small blooms, and provided some straight lines to contrast with the curves of the flower and leaves. The bright colors together were especially enjoyable to paint. Summer sunshine is a wonderful gift!
(left) "Yellow Columbine"
6"x4" Oil on hardboard
©2010 Diana Moses Botkin
Several Challenge Group members told me they too thought they might not be able to participate this month. But they did. As the paintings came to my Inbox from each member I was so impressed and amazed and excited! Aren't they beautiful?!
(below left) "Yellow Lily on Spode Blue Italian Plate" 6x6" Oil on panel ©2010 Jeanne Illeyne(below right) "Summer Bouquet" 6x6" Oil on panel ©2010 Robin Cheers
(below left) "Amber Waves" 16x20" Oil on canvas ©2010 Suzanne Berry
(below right) "Blue and Yellow" 9x12" Oil on panel ©2010 Vicki Ross
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
"Evening's Shadows" Original Oil Painting
Original oil on panel, 6"x8"
©2005 Diana Moses Botkin
I recently reworked this little piece, bumping up the contrast, intensifying the colors and making those hills in the distance recede more.
It works much better and those shadows in the foreground (the whole reason I wanted to paint this scene in the first place) show off better.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Summer Travels and Projects
I love summer, don't you? We're finally getting some warmer weather here in north Idaho and my garden is taking off, at last.
Longer days with sunshine give me ample opportunity to accomplish some house and yard projects I've been wanting to do.
I could spend all the daylight hours working on house repairs and remodels, landscaping and weeding. But of course, I have to find time, too, for plein air painting in this nice weather. So many great choices for artistic expression; so little time. It's a challenge to choose!
One of my recent projects was doing the flowers for a friend's outdoor wedding in Oregon. It was a lot of work, and also a lot of fun. This time of year there are abundant flowers blooming, and I had buckets and buckets of lilies, roses and other fragrant blossoms to work with for the many bouquets, table arrangements and the beautiful archway for the bride and groom.
Speaking of challenges, keep an eye on this blog for my Challenge Group's July paintings in two days. It's another "color" theme but I can't tell you any more right now. You'll have to wait and find out!
Friday, July 2, 2010
FREE S&H on red, white & blue painting to wish you a Happy 4th!
"Cherries and Blueberries"
Original oil, 5"x7"
©2007 Diana Moses Botkin
I reworked this piece recently to bump up contrast and intensify colors. Don't you just love those luscious red and blue fruits? Yum. Summer's finally here!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
"Iced Tea with Cherry, Mint" Food Art
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Sometimes I go back to a painting and work on it after setting it aside for awhile.
This is one I looked at recently and decided I wanted a simple dark background instead of the lighter one I'd previously used. I like the contrast better now, of the reds against the almost black backdrop.