Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"Glass Ball and Gold Paper" Daily Painting
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Detailed study of iridescent glass Christmas ornament with crumpled gold tissue paper; realism with abstract qualities.
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Reflections on a Pear" Daily Painting
Original oil, 5"x5" unframed.
Some red and green for you!
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Pears in the store now are quite good. We've brought them home to enjoy, and today I realized there was only one left. I wanted to paint one before they all got eaten!
So I took a break from the commissions I'm finishing to paint this green pear on the scarlet background. The bright colors were very fun to work with and a nice departure from the charcoal portrait I'm finishing up for a client.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
DailyPainters.com book now available; I'm included!
Here is another gift idea for you fans of the Daily Painting phenomenon; the brand spankin' new book from DailyPainters.com.
For those who haven't yet discovered the site, DailyPainters is an online gallery that shows and sells new paintings every day by 146 artists who are daily painters. I've been a member since December, 2006.
The volume showcases all artist members of DailyPainters and features our best work. You can peruse the book, or buy a copy at the publisher's website.
It's a beautiful book!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Special on Christmas Art to celebrate Christmas
"In Humility"
reproduced from the original pastel.
Nativity scene reproduction pkgd 20x24"
Acid-free paper, fade-resistant inks
$50 plus SH.
©1992 Diana Moses Botkin
My teenager is counting down to Christmas. "Only 8 days left, Mom," he told me today. Indeed I know. I'm counting the days also, and what I have left to do. But I'm enjoying the season too.
So if you're like me and still need to do a little shopping, here's a special offer of my Christmas themed reproductions to celebrate the holidays. Buy 2, get shipping free. Contact me for an invoice or more details.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Some of my Daily Paintings at Sandpoint Shows
Tomorrow is the Opening for Lilliput, A Miniature Show, at the POAC Gallery in Sandpoint at the Sandpoint Powerhouse. If you're in the area, I hope you'll stop by between 5:30 and 7 pm. I plan to be in attendance and hope to see you!
Some of my very detailed miniatures are in the show. Two of the three appear in this photo, which was reproduced with my permission for the Lilliput Show announcement postcard, recently mailed.
I also plan to get to the Holiday Show Opening a few blocks away at Timber Stand Gallery. Timber Stand is across the street from the Pend d'Oreille Winery downtown on Cedar. Three of my small originals are in the show and there should be lots of other fun art there too!
Today someone asked me if I'm excited about the Openings tomorrow night. I've been quite distracted today with an article deadline for Art Calendar and other commitments, and didn't give him a very good answer. But now that I think about it, I am excited. I don't get out much, so it is always really good to attend art events, especially those where I see fellow artists and my loyal collectors. So yes, I am excited! And I should have that deadline out of the way by then, so I'll be in a celebratory mood.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Life Drawings
"Standing Male, Charcoal"
Original unframed charcoal drawing on white bond paper, 17"x11".
These sketches are my favorites from this week's session with the model. The same fellow posed for us. It looks like he's lost a few pounds. My Texan grandma would say "dropped off". She said to me once during a visit years ago, "Have you dropped off?" I asked her, "Dropped off of what? I'd never heard the expression before in reference to losing a few pounds.
As an artist I like to see bone structure and muscle definition, so lean muscular models are more interesting to me. But not all artists feel this way, especially about female models."Man Touching Ankles, Charcoal"
Original unframed charcoal drawing on tan Canson paper, 12"x16".
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
"Clifty Christmas" Daily Painting on Christmas Ball
Oil on glass sphere, approx. 3".
Winter landscape of snowy trees, with Clifty Mountain.
This unusual painting is not my average piece. Every year our art group hand paints Christmas balls for a special gala auction that benefits our local hospital is in its 13th year.
Contact me if you want something similar.
©2008 Diana Moses Botkin