Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Our December Painting Challenge: Old Age

"Contrasts of Life"
Original framed oil 8"x10"
©2012 Diana Moses Botkin

Our Challenge this month is the conclusion of the last few which progressed, starting with Childhood in September. Time marches on, like the progression in our Challenges.

I wanted to show contrasts in this painting and as I was working on this piece with the baby and the great-grandma's hands I thought of the childlike quality of old age, too.

I also thought what a nice job it is to hold and rock a baby at any age. The great-grandchild is one of the best rewards of life for this woman, a great-grandma who is a widow, in her 90s, nearly blind, and confined to a wheelchair.

I really like the other paintings for our Challenge this month. I hope you'll visit Mark and Vicki's blogs to read their take on this month's subject.

(left above) "Self portrait with Sammy" Oil on panel, 6"x8" ©2012 Mark Adams
(right above) "Mary and Delys in Salzberg" Pastel, 20"x16" ©2012 Vicki Ross


mary maxam said...

Oh, so lovely in it's contrast and soft textures. A wonderful 'thought piece' as well.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

It was indeed a thought challenge to paint it, Mary. Thank you for your good words!

hmuxo said...

This is absolutely beautiful, Diana. The kind of reference picture that an Artist looks for..for the perfect painting like this one!! Congratulations.!!!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Thank you, Hilda. It's one I've been wanting to paint for some time. This Challenge was the perfect opportunity!

Susan said...

How tender and emotional this is, Diana. Thank you for visiting my blog and my best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.

Diana Moses Botkin said...

It's encouraging to read your kind comments, Susan. Thank you for dropping by and for the blessings!