Welcome to my Art Blog! I paint or draw most weekdays and sometimes finish a painting a day. I fondly call them my "Postcards from Paradise" because it's such a beautiful place the Lord made here for us.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Plein air painting at our place

Local artist friends Bob Bissett, Loi Eberle and Dalas Klein came over today to paint at our place. Then we had a pot luck lunch out on the patio which included eatables everyone brought. My husband Greg also grilled vegies and I threw together pesto pasta. There were plans to pick apricots off our trees but we didn't get around to that. We did have an enjoyable time painting together, though, and sharing a meal.

©2007 Diana Moses Botkin


Janette Jones, Studio California said...

Love your painting and the photos of everyone at work! Isn't it just the most fun to paint with the companionship of other artists?

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Indeed it IS the most fun! I especially like seeing other artists' take on the same scene and seeing their varied approaches to the challenges of pleinaire painting.

Don Gray said...

What beautiful views you have from your home--how inspiring!

Diana Moses Botkin said...

Well it IS inspiring up here on the edge of the earth. The rosy light, esp. in winter, is the big reason I started painting a lot more landscapes when we moved here about 10 years ago.

If you and your family get up this way, give us a hollar!